Updated Job Postings for Carlyle CUSD #1- Carlyle Grade School has an opening for a Paraprofessional, Carlyle Jr. High has coaching openings for 8th Girls Basketball, 6th Grade Boys' Basketball and 5th Grade Boys' Basketball. We are also looking for a High School English Teacher and Grade School Special Education Teacher to start Jan 3rd, finally we still need bus drivers. See our website for more information- https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 2 years ago, Annie Gray
Vac Notice
Vac Notice
Don't forget!! Get your new 2022 Carlyle gear here: https://stores.inksoft.com/carlyle_indians_spiritwear/shop/home Deadline to order is Monday, Sept. 12th
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Spirit wear pic
Who needs Carlyle Indians gear? https://stores.inksoft.com/carlyle_indians_spiritwear/shop/home Merchandise will be paid for online, but will be delivered to the schools for pick up.
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Carlyle Grade School is seeking applicants for an Individual Aide. Please see job posting on our website at: https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Vac Notice
Please see Carlyle School Districts updated list of vacancies: https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment Newly added...6th Grade Science Teacher and Grade School Cook. We are also still looking for HS English, 2nd Grade and Special Education Teachers
over 2 years ago, Annie Gray
JH Teacher
Job Vacancy
Please Share....Carlyle School District is looking to fill the following positions: High School ELA Teacher, 5th Grade Social Studies Teacher, 2nd Grade Class Size Reduction Teacher and Grade School Special Education Teacher. We also have openings for an Individual Aide and a Custodian at the High School. Please see the full listing at https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Class Size Red Teacher
Job posting
job posting
job posting
Carlyle School District is still looking to fill a few teaching positions (High School Math, High School Business & Grade School Special Education). We are also still looking for a full time custodian at the High School. The positions are posted on our website and at https://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org/jobs/search-results
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Job Vacancy
JOB POSTING- Carlyle High School has an opening for a Business Teacher. We are also currently taking applications for a Custodian at the High School and Bus Drivers. More information and all of our openings can be found on our website at https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
HS Business Teacher Vac
Please share....Carlyle Grade School is looking for a Special Education Teacher and Carlyle High School is looking for Math Teachers. More information and additional postings can be found on our website: https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
GS Sp Ed Posting
HS Math Vac
Carlyle Jr. High and High School have several openings for coaching positions for the 2022-2023 school year. Please share with those that might be interested. https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Coaching Vacancy
NEW- Carlyle CUSD #1 is seeking applicants for Jr. High Secretary. We are also still seeking applicants for High School Math Teachers and a Custodian. Please see all our job postings on our website at https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
JH Secretary Posting
The Bookmobile is back for another summer! The stops this year are again at Keyesport, Royal Lake, Hoffman and Shattuc. See attached flyer for the schedule. We can't wait to see you!!
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
Bookmobile Pic
The regional championship game this morning at Carlyle HS at 10:00 am is postponed; rescheduled for Monday, May 23rd at 4:00 pm at Carlyle HS COR vs MG for the class 1A Baseball Regional Championship
over 2 years ago, Darin Smith
A huge THANK YOU to all those that donated and supported the Sandoval families. We will be giving a check on behalf of Carlyle School District for $1925! #prideinthetribe
over 2 years ago, Annie Gray
Please see message below. If anyone would like to make additional donations to the family, please feel free to turn in to any of the 3 offices. #prideinthetribe
over 2 years ago, Annie Gray
Carlyle High School is looking for a full time custodian and sub custodians. If you are interested or know anyone that is, please share. This position and all of our other open positions are posted on our website at https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
over 2 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
HS Cust Post
Please Share! Carlyle CUSD #1 is currently seeking applicants for the following positions: High School Math Teacher, Speech Pathologist, HS Boys' Basketball JV Coach, HS Girls' Basketball Freshman Coach, JH Girls' Basketball 8th Grade Coach. Additional information can be found on our website at: https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
almost 3 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
HS Math Vac
HS Boys JV Coach
HS Girls Fresh Coach
JH Girls Bask 8th Coach
8th Graders have been working on a Cylinder Steve in math lab as part of their unit on Volume. Their task was to create Steve and to calculate and compare volumes and surface areas for Steve and Double Steve.
almost 3 years ago, Laura Wesselmann
Cylinder Steves
Cheerleader Steve
Students working on Steve projects
Students working on Steve Project
The Jr High and Grade School students got a preview of our Spring Musical Annie Jr. The cast and crew did an amazing job!! Come out Thursday, Friday or Saturday (April 7th-9th) at 7:00 p.m. to see the show!!
almost 3 years ago, Annie Gray
Annie Jr Cast
Carlyle CUSD #1 is currently seeking applicants for the 2022-2023 school year for the following positions: Speech Pathologist, 8th Grade ELA teacher, and 2 Class Size Reduction teachers at the Grade School. More information can be found on our website at https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/page/employment
almost 3 years ago, Carlyle CUSD #1
8th Grade ELA
Class Size Red Teacher
Speech Path Posting